News 2015
05.08.15 Friday
Howdy everyone. Summer is here and we just had our one year anniversary for the Don't Be Afraid of the Comedy, Memphis stand-up show. You can check out a playlist of some of the sets here. I also have finally made an artist's facebook page for myself, which can be found at Also if you haven't had the chance to check out Josh and I's newest venture, Action Clown, that can be found here: Action Clown. More to come! Stay Tuned!
01.12.15 Monday
Hello hello. Been in and outta here making updates without a front page update. I've updated my comics section with a gallery of Antony's web-comics I've been doing. Over at the Stanley Justice page you can find some updates about our monthly comedy show. Not too much launching lately, just a pileup of irons in the fire. They'll be done soon though! Oh, and check out our Stanley Justice Memes, I've been getting to mess with some typography while Josh and I share some of our favorite comic book quotes. See y'all later!
Howdy everyone. Summer is here and we just had our one year anniversary for the Don't Be Afraid of the Comedy, Memphis stand-up show. You can check out a playlist of some of the sets here. I also have finally made an artist's facebook page for myself, which can be found at Also if you haven't had the chance to check out Josh and I's newest venture, Action Clown, that can be found here: Action Clown. More to come! Stay Tuned!
01.12.15 Monday
Hello hello. Been in and outta here making updates without a front page update. I've updated my comics section with a gallery of Antony's web-comics I've been doing. Over at the Stanley Justice page you can find some updates about our monthly comedy show. Not too much launching lately, just a pileup of irons in the fire. They'll be done soon though! Oh, and check out our Stanley Justice Memes, I've been getting to mess with some typography while Josh and I share some of our favorite comic book quotes. See y'all later!